921-4. Exceptions.
(a) Theaters and Places of Supervised Entertainment. The provisions of §§ 921-1 and 921-2 hereof shall not be deemed to apply to the following places, to wit: public theaters and places where supervised entertainment or play or instruction for minors under the age of eighteen (18) is conducted; provided, however, that this exception shall apply only to minors who are in attendance at such theaters or places for the purpose of attending the entertainment, supervised entertainment, play or instruction thereby afforded. (Ord. 304, § 1, 4/6/1953)
(b) Travel to and From Places of Entertainment. The provisions of §§ 921-1 and 921-2 hereof shall not apply to any minor while engaged in going to or returning from, in direct route, the places mentioned in § 921-4 hereof and his/her home or other place of abode; provided however, in the event such minor stops, loiters, loafs, congregates or deviates from such direct route this exception shall not apply and the provisions of §§ 921-1 and 921-2 hereof shall then apply. (Ord. 304, § 5, 4/6/1953)
(c) Travel to and From Place of Employment. The provisions of §§ 921-1 and 921-2 hereof shall not apply to any minor who is lawfully employed, or to such a minor while engaged in going to or returning from his/her place of employment in a direct route between such a place of employment and his place of abode. (Ord. 304, § 6, 4/6/1953)